

  • 5
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:股份有限公司
  • 公司地址: 北京市 丰台区 丰台街道 北大街北里社区 北京市丰台区丰北路甲45号楼鼎恒中心2层206
  • 姓名: 赵先生
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    进口配合饲料GACC检疫和卫生要求 GACC quarantine and hygiene requirements for imported compound feed

  • 所属行业:商务服务 咨询服务
  • 发布日期:2021-07-13
  • 阅读量:180
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京丰台丰台北大街北里社区  
  • 关键词:GACC,检疫,卫生

    进口配合饲料GACC检疫和卫生要求 GACC quarantine and hygiene requirements for imported compound feed详细内容



    Imported compound feed: refers to the feed (including pet food) prepared with a variety of feed raw materials and feed additives in a certain proportion according to the nutritional requirements of farmed animals.


    What are the requirements for compound feed manufacturers exporting to China


    About the health management system


    The production enterprises of mixed feed exported to China shall implement the hygiene management system, which shall be approved by the competent authorities and subject to their supervision and inspection, and the products shall meet the relevant requirements of the exporting country and be allowed to be sold freely in the market of the exporting country.


    About Registration


    The production enterprises exporting compound feed to China shall be recommended to the GACC with the approval of the agricultural department of the exporting country, and can export compound feed to China only after obtaining the registration in China.


    What are the requirements for raw materials and products of compound feed exported to China?


    The raw materials come from the exporting country or are legally imported and comply with the relevant safety and health requirements stipulated by the laws and regulations of the exporting country.


    The raw materials of terrestrial animal origin should come from the non-epidemic areas approved by the Chinese side. Aquatic faunal raw materials are derived from wild aquatic animals caught on the high seas or farmed aquatic animals, or these aquatic animals are used to produce processing by-products of aquatic products for human use.


    Animals eliminated as a result of the eradication of animal epidemic diseases or animals whose death causes are unknown shall not be used. No animal origin raw materials of unknown origin or type shall be added.


    The products to be exported to China shall not contain toxic or harmful substances that may endanger animal control, or transgenic ingredients that have not been approved by the Chinese side.


    In addition according to Zhongshida (Beijing) Technology Service Co.,Ltd Manager Zhao introduce that if the imported products are registered under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, they shall also meet the requirements of MARA registration.


    The products exported to China shall meet the requirements of China's feed hygiene standards


    What are the production process requirements of compound feed exported to China?


    The production and processing of compound feed exported to China shall be subjected to heat treatment at the temperature of not less than 90℃ in the center and for a duration of not less than 30 minutes, or other equivalent treatment methods approved by the Chinese side.


    The processed compound feed shall be tested by the official random sampling of the exporting country before being exported to China and meet the requirements of the Chinese side.


    What are the packaging, labeling, storage and transportation requirements of compound feed exported to China?


    Each batch of compound feed exported to China shall be packed with new, clean, sealed, moisture-proof and non-breakable packaging materials.


    The packaging shall be labeled in Chinese, and the label shall meet the requirements of the national standard of China.


    In the process of production, storage and transportation of compound feed exported to China, effective measures were taken to avoid pollution.


    What are the requirements for pre-export inspection and certificate of mixed feed exported to China?


    The authorities of the exporting country shall conduct inspection, quarantine, supervision and administration of the compound feed exported to China and issue a health certificate to prove that the compound feed complies with the requirements of the bilateral protocol. unapproved compound feed exported to China must be accompanied by an original official health certificate.


    What requirements should be met when the compound feed is imported?

    For examination and approval of quarantine inspection


    The importer should apply for the Quarantine Permit for Entry Animals and Plants before signing the trade contract.


    Certificate verification


    To check whether the Permit for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants has been obtained;


    Verify whether it comes from a registered enterprise;


    Check whether the health certificate is true and valid.


    The goods inspection


    Inspection and quarantine of imported compound feed shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules and bilateral protocols. Those who pass the inspection and quarantine shall be allowed to enter the country.


    What will be done if the requirements are not met?


    Without a valid health certificate, it shall be returned or destroyed;


    Products from non-registered overseas manufacturing enterprises or non-registered overseas manufacturing enterprises shall be returned or destroyed;


    GMO ingredients not approved by Chinese authorities are detected and returned or destroyed;


    If unapproved ingredients of animal origin are detected, they shall be returned or destroyed;


    If soil, animal carcasses, animal excreta or other objects prohibited from entering the country are found to be disinfected, returned or destroyed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations;


    If the safety and hygiene items are found not in conformity with China's hygiene standards for feed through testing, they shall be treated with disinfestation, return or destruction;


    The owner or agent of the goods shall be responsible for sorting out the broken packages or containers. If the packages are damaged and there is a risk of spreading animal or plant epidemics, quarantine treatment shall be conducted on the contaminated sites, articles and utensils;


    In case of major safety and health problems, the General Administration of Customs will inform the agricultural authorities of the exporting countries and take appropriate measures to suspend the export of relevant enterprises or even the export of relevant products of the exporting countries to China.


    Special reminder: the imported products should come from registered overseas production enterprises; It must also be a registered product category.
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